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Safe high quality health care: investing in tomorrow's leaders
  1. Liam J Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer for England
  1. Department of Health, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NS, UK
  1. Professor L J Donaldsonliam.donaldson{at}


The agenda for health care in developed countries in the 21st century will be dominated by a vision of quality which seeks to address the deep seated problems of the past. The ability to deliver safe, effective, high quality care within organisations with the right cultures, the best systems, and the most highly skilled and motivated work forces will be the key to meeting this challenge. This is an issue which should be a priority for education and training bodies. The need for health services to give priority to developing health professionals equipped to practise in a new way and thrive in new organisational environments requires a rapid response to reshape curricula and training programmes. Developing leadership and management skills will be essential in achieving this transformation in the quality of care delivered to patients.

  • leadership
  • management
  • patient safety

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